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Yahoo - 04 Mar 2016 04:30


[[html]]Cum sa ascunzi parul carunt Parul carunt este o problema in viata oricari femei. Asa ca trebuie sa ne folosim de toate trucurile noastre pentru a-l ascunde. Arunca o privire peste articolul nostru si afla cum sa ascunzi parul carunt. Este normal ca la un moment dat sa apara parul carunt, dar exista metode cosmetice prin care il poti ascunde. Esti curioasa sa afli cum sa ascunzi parul carunt? Cum sa ascunzi parul carunt: rimel pentru par Rimelul pentru par este cea mai buna metoda de a ascunde parul carunt. Daca esti in cautarea unei solutii rapide intre doua vopsiri,atunci trebuie sa incerci acest produs. Poti ascunde parul carunt cu usurinta cu aceste produse si tehnici de camuflare. In plus, acestea nu-ti degradeaza<br><br><img style="float:left;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="382" /><br><br>Yve q <br><br>Ce spun zodiile despre viata ta sexuala Berbec (21 martie 19 aprilie) Faptul ca simbolul acestei zodii este un berbec spune multe despre viata ta sexuala. Ar fi bine sa te calmezi in aceasta privinta, dar Berbecii nu fac asta. Niciodata. Taur (20 aprilie 20 mai) Esti in general foarte iubitoare, dar in momentul in care cineva iti flutura in fata ochilor steagul rosu, iti pierzi cumpatul. Nu-ti poti explica de ce, pur si simplu nu te mai poti controla cand vine vorba de asta. Gemeni (21 mai 20 iunie) Daca esti Gemeni, atunci este posibil sa te intereseze relatiile cu mai multe persoane. Este greu sa te descurci cu o astfel de situatie, dar daca reusesti, totul este grozav. Rac (21 iunie 22 iulie) Cand spui ca iti place sa te<br><br> q <br><br>Un elev din Vaslui spulberat pe trecerea de pietoni de un ofer teribilist care a trecut pe culoarea roie la semafor Accidentul a avut loc la intersecia din zona fostului cinematograf Independena, n jurul orelor 20. Elevul tocmai ieise de la cursuri i se ndrepta spre cas. Din primele cercetri efectuate la faa locului, a reieit c adolescentul n vrst de 16 ani, traversa regulamentar, ntr-o intersecie situat n zona central a Vasluiului, el fiind acroat de un autoturism condus de un tnr n vrst de 21 de ani, care nu a oprit la culoarea roie a semaforului. n cauz, a fost deschis dosar penal pentru vtmare corporal din culp, a declarat purttorul de cuvnt al Inspectoratului de Poliie al Judeului Vaslui, Loredana David. Avnd n vedere leziunile grave, medicii de la SJU Vaslui<br><br><object width="400" height="241"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="241"></embed></object><br><br><img style="float:right;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="271" /><br><br> q <br><br><object width="400" height="241"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="400" height="241"></embed></object><br><br>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

Net Applications: Appleā€™s iOS Web share hit 65.9% in August - 03 Mar 2016 22:18


[[html]]<img src="" class="attachment-article_half" alt=""/><br><br>Click to enlarge.<br><br>FORTUNE Although shipments of phones running Googles GOOG Android operating system left Apples AAPL iPhone in the dust this summer 68.1% to 16.9% according to IDCs market share estimates for Q2 that dominance is not reflected on the Web accordingto two leading mobile analytics services,Net Applications and StatCounter.<br><br>Net Applications, which monitors hits on its 40,000 client sites and weighs the results based on population statistics, issued areportSaturday that showed Apples iOS dominating the mobile Web with a record 65.94% share. Android trailed far behind at 20.93%, although its growth year over year was faster (31% to 24.3% for iOS).<br><br><img style="float:left;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="311" /><br><br>StatCounter, whichdoesnt count tablets as mobile devices and does not weigh its survey results as Net Applications does (We simply publish the data as we record it, itsfact sheetboasts)showed Android retaking the lead it enjoyed briefly last summer (see chart below). According to StatCounters latest survey, Androids Web share surged to 28% in Augustwhile iOS (without the iPad) drifted down to 24.5%.<br><br>Neither method is perfect both have their vocal critics and adding the iPad into StatCounters data would shift things significantly in Apples favor. But why Androids Web share isnt higher in either survey remains a mystery.<br><br>StatCounters chart below:<br><br><img src="" width="395" /><br><br><img src="" class="attachment-article_full" alt=""/><br><br><a href=''></a><br><br>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

Front-end Vs. Back-end Development - 03 Mar 2016 15:03


[[html]]&#13; The creation of a website requires the services of designers and developers. While many feel that both are one and the same, for a better understanding, we give you a fair comparison between the two - front-end development vs. back-end development.<br><br>&#13; <br><br>Advertisement<br><br>&#13;&#13;<br><br>Fact<br><br>Full-stack developers handle both, the front-end presentation of the application as well as the back-end code for the database.<br><br>Website development is the process of creating a website that provides the end-user with an experience which makes him revisit the website. While so many are not in tune with the nuances of website making, the process is divided into two parts - front-end and back-end development. Front-end and back-end are processes that separate the presentation from the code.<br><br>For example, imagine a restaurant conducting business. The decor of the place, the furnishings, as well as the music provided is the front-end, while the back-end comprises the waiters, chefs, and managers who make sure the machinations of the restaurant run smoothly.<br><br>What is front-end development?<br><br>Front-end development deals with the design and interface of the website. The engineers responsible for this part of the website are called front-end developers. These professionals are also known as web designers.<br><br><img style="float:left;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="394" /><br><br>What is back-end development?<br><br>Back-end development involves an application that provides support to the front-end. In a website, the back-end would be responsible for verifying users' details from a database, and allowing them entry as well as taking any suggestions that can be helpful in improving the website. The engineers responsible for the maintenance of the website are called back-end developers. They play a big role in maintaining dynamic websites, like blogs that need constant updation on a regular basis.<br><br>In the following sections, we shall tell you the difference between front-end development and back-end development.<br><br>Front-end Vs. Back-end Development<br><br>Languages<br><br>The languages that a front-end developer should be familiar with are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.<br><br>Back-end languages are Ruby on Rails, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Ruby, Python, and .NET.<br><br>Team<br><br>Front-end developers employ the UX (user experience) team to design the look of the website, by studying user habits and changing the design through testing.<br><br>Back-end developers consist of the architecture team, that design an application that supports the front-end as well as provides support, security, and content management.<br><br>Stand-alone Service<br><br>Front-end development cannot be provided independently, except the design can be sold in the form of templates.<br><br>Back-end development can be provided as an independent service in the form of BaaS (Back-end as a service).<br><br>Goal<br><br>The goal of the front-end team consists of making sure that the website is accessible to all users, as well as continuous testing to make sure it's responsive in all views - mobile and desktop.<br><br>The back-end team exists to create an application around the front-end and support it. In addition, they make sure that the website opens up and functions properly.<br><br><img style="float:right;margin:10px;border:none;" src="" width="263" /><br><br>The back-end runs on the server side, while the front-end runs on the client side. A framework makes it easy on both the teams, as it reduces the coding and speeds up the process indefinitely. In short, front-end and back-end development are both needed to create a full-functioning website.<br><br>&#13;&#13;&#13; <br><br>&#13; &#13;Last Updated: February 17, 2016&#13; <br><br>&#13; &#13; &#13; &#13; &#13; &#13; <br><br>[[/html]] - Comments: 0

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